Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Image result for nurini
BETTER to have a devil in the house than a friend.

It seems Bernama friends deserve an unknown from EPF to be their CEO.

Initially Wan Hamidi was slated to run Bernama but according to Bernama sources certain people sabotaged his appointment.

So what do they get?

Instead of getting a friend in Wan Hamidi, they got a stranger in Nuriini in their office. Well, that's what certain quarters in Bernama deserve.

The post, formerly designated as a GM post, on many occasions were treated as an inheritance for Bernama senior executives.

Former Bernama GM was their former Editor-in-chief.

Past Bernama GM performed poorly. One of them was responsible for the loss making Bernama TV while Nurini's predecessor just warm the seat for lucrative pay packet, leaving invisble legacies..

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